Have you dreamed about becoming Miss Vizcaya Swimwear? This is your chance to become our official 2025 spokemodel, cover girl and brand ambassador and build your career as a professional model.

The 2025 Miss Vizcaya Swimwear spokesmodel search will take place on Miami Swimweek on May 27-29th at the Sagamore South Beach hotel during Miami Swimweek. Final dates have not been announced yet.

This is the perfect opportunity to walk in Miami SwimWeek while having a chance to represent Vizcaya Swimwear as a spokesmodel and have your photos by Getty Images posted everywhere! 

Who is this for? Anyone! We have had girls compete while holding a national or state title in other pageants, 15 year old with parent supervision and even 50-60 years old ladies stunning in our swimsuits! It is a great opportunity to update your model photos, network and more importantly, have fun! Trust us, it's a fun event!



Below the Miss Vizcaya Swimwear 2024 recap video! 




Below the Miss Vizcaya Swimwear 2021 recap video! Do you want to have the same experience? 



Click here to see more photos from the 2018 Miss Vizcaya Swimwear finals!



 The Miss Vizcaya Swimwear Spokesmodel Search is more than a modeling competition: This experience will provide you will all of the tools you need to develop a diverse portfolio to move up in the fashion industry.



Click here to see more photos from the 2017 Miss Vizcaya Swimwear finals!


What exactly is Miss Vizcaya Swimwear and what does it entail?

The Miss Vizcaya Swimwear and spokesmodel search is a pageant in which the winner becomes our spokesmodel for the year and gets to represent Vizcaya throughout all our social media channels as well as appearances and other model opportunities! The pageant consists of 2 parts:

1) Online voting: All contestants will have an online profile in which their friends, family and others will be able to vote. The top contestant with the most votes will be featured in the 2026 Vizcaya Swimwear calendar automatically!

2) Finals: The scoring for the competition is based on interview, photogenic qualities and Fashion Show/Modeling ability! The winner will be featured in our 2026 Calendar cover and will become our Miss Vizcaya Swimwear 2025 and spokesmodel.

The spotlight will be ON YOU!

Tentative Schedule:

May 27th - Day 1 -  Check in and orientation, dinner and appearances.

May 28th - Day 2 -  Photoshoots, Calendar Photoshoots, Interviews, dinner and appearances.

May 29th Day 3 - Miami Swimweek runway show as part of Miami Swimweek

Fill the form below to be considered to participate in the competition. Your application will be reviewed and if approved you will take part in the first part of the competition which will be online voting. You receive a confirmation and will be invited to the finals to have their own fully styled professional photo shoot with award winning celebrity photographers, walk on the runway in the Vizcaya Swimwear fashion show as part of Miami Swimweek, commercials for the Vizcaya Swimwear 2023 campaign, and of course, compete for the once in a lifetime opportunity of being the face of Vizcaya Swimwear.

The top 12 contestants will be part of the 2026 Vizcaya Swimwear Calendar!


  • Miss Vizcaya Swimwear Sash + Crown
  • Magazine cover
  • Billboard in New York Times Square
  • Free trip to TULUM to shoot our new collection!
  • Cover model of the 2026 Vizcaya Swimwear calendar
  • One year supply of Vizcaya Swimwear bikinis
  • One year supply of Lashes from the Ladycode Shop
  • $500 in cash and prizes
  • Quarterly photoshoots for Vizcaya Swimwear
  • International hosting and modeling opportunities 
  • Be the face of the Vizcaya Swimwear 2026 Collection
  • A bikini in the 2026 collection named after her
  • +MORE! 

There will also be prizes for the top 3 finalists!

If you are accepted to participate in the finals you will receive a confirmation email with more details! The application fee if accepted for the finals is $899. The package value is over $1400!

 The application fee includes:

  • (2) Custom designed Vizcaya Swimwear swimsuits for the competition
  • Official Photoshoot and 1-5 Edited photos along many photos/videos
  • (2) Dinners at trendy restaurants 
  • Limousine ride to/from restaurants and clubs
  • Night out at the best club in Miami
  • Discounts on swimsuits
  • Commission based affiliate program with Vizcaya Swimwear
  • Networking opportunities and more!


Requirements: Open to 15 and over! That's it! (15-18 with parental release)




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